Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Bereavement Bears

On July 25 2007, I gave birth to my second son Harrison. He was born brain dead due to a clotting disorder that I was unaware I had. He passed away three days later. I was already blessed with a son named Zachary who still continues to be the light of my life. Anyone who has ever lost a child through miscarriage, stillbirth, or neonatal death understands the emptiness that you feel. One of the hardest things for me was explaining Harrison's death to my 4 year old son. Mothers and fathers are not the only ones who feel this immense lost. Siblings feel it as well. They watch your belly grow, go to Doctors appointments with you, and anxiously await the arrival of their new baby brother or sister. I know my son felt the loss of his baby brother just as much as I did and still do. Even though, I was blessed to deliver a healthy baby boy, Nathaniel James, the following October, there isnt a day that goes by that I dont think about my sweet angel. So, in order to provide comfort for the siblings of lost babies, I will be collecting new or gently used Teddy Bears to be given to the brothers and sisters who lost their sibling.
This is a picture of Harrison (07/25-07/28) who was my little angel

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